Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I've been lazy

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I kept forgetting the camera downstairs but now have lots of fun pics for you.

fun eating. I was going to put these on gift cards for the Texans but Walmart is not doing them anymore. :(

Zoe's first Thanksgiving. She had carrots and corn.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

6 months

This is us at Drew's work Halloween party. I enjoyed meeting more of Drew's work buddies.

Well yesterday was Zoe's 6 month well child check up. She is now officially 16 lbs. 8 oz. and 26 in long. She didn't get too upset with her shots. She is just a happy healthy cutiepatutie.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Zoe updates

Zoe had her first taste of peas today. The last bite ended up with a big sneeze and this was the result.
Our ward had a trunk or treat on Friday so we dressed her up in her monkey costume.
Is this a bibliophile in the making?
Zoe started sitting up by herself after we got back from Washington. Must have learned something from Henry.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Family stuff

Ok. Just got back from Washington (state) where the Richardson family had a little reunion. Zoe's first time on an airplane and what an angel. She met her Aunt Amy, Uncle Vaughn and cousins Tyler and Henry. While there we went running (I walked), visited the capital and the sound, went to the farmers market, visited Vaughn's family's property and roasted marshmellows, and took family pictures. Zoe took her first bath in the big bathtub with her cousins and loved it.

She got mad at us when we tried to take her out. My husband was ick and he got Zoe and I ick by the end. We had a blast nonetheless. I even hugged a tree.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Life goes on

Today was my Uncle Ed's funeral. I went with my Dad and Zoe. Zoe was the only baby there. I felt kinda bad when she decided she wanted to start talking in the middle of the silent crowd. But during the viewing she got passed around to many new people. She met almost as many new people as I did. Zoe got introduced around by her Grandpa and by Aunt Coy. She even got to pull Uncle Dwight's beard. Now I've learned to try to avoid taking babies to funerals unless you don't want to hear anything.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The moment after I took each of these pictures her smile dropped and went to a confused look. It was so funny.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Daddy's girl

At least sometimes she is daddy's girl. Mostly she is a mommy's girl because mommy means food.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

4 months

I can not believe my baby is already 4 months old. Zoe is now officially 14 lbs 12 oz and 25 1/2 in. At her 4 month doctor visit she got so mad when the doctor checked her ears that she didn't even notice when she got her shots. She is so silly.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My hair

So most of you know that I cut my hair but I wanted you to see the difference.
And After:I also got new glasses!!! So I'm happy for now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

You talked me into it...

OK, so everyone kept telling me to start a blog so they can get pictures of Zoe more often, so here it is.

Zoe has become quite proficient at rolling from her back to her front so she ends up sleeping like this.
I am also a horrible mommy and do mean things to my daughter. Like this...
So that's all for now.